Sunday, May 1, 2016

From Dirty Floors to Perfect Imperfection

Aloha friends!

This week was extremely busy - as most weeks are for me. But somehow, when "mother nature" comes to visit, it makes for some quite challenging days.  Despite the grouchies and migraines, I must say, I kept thinking of a tremendous honor I received from a friend.

You see, my friend Heather, who writes the blog, Dirty Floors | Happy Kids, nominated my blog for an award. Yep, you heard that right! An award! When I found out, part of me wanted to jump out of my chair and dance around the room. And let me tell you, I was grinning from ear to ear!

But on the inside, I began to feel the doubt starting to grow. I don't know if I'm "worthy" of this award. After all, I'm just getting started. I don't have a grasp of my target audience. I don't have a long drawn out list of blogging topics and schedules. Oftentimes I click "submit" before any deep editing.

I'm. Just. Rambling.

Then I realize, that this kind of blog - my blog - is exactly what this award is for. A blog that is just getting started. One that is fun and fresh and ready to get to know more people.  It's not about already being established. It's about building a community and sharing the love of writing and reading blogs.  So, with that, here are the rules:

So here we go!  

The Eleven Questions....

1. Tell all these new readers who you are in ten words or fewer.
I'm a wife, mom, and life-long learner who loves Jesus with all her heart. Yeah, I think that's more than 10 words, but we creatives like to bend the rules on occasion.  ;-)

2. Personally, I feel like writing is a constant battle against insecurity. Putting yourself out there is also a super-empowering way to overcome self-doubt. What do you think?
I agree with this. For me, I get very nervous and uncomfortable when speaking in front of crowds, and all eyes are on me. My words tend to stumble out and I end up mumbling, mixing up things I had planned to say, or I just completely forget it all! Then when it's all over, I magically seem to recall what it was that I should have said.  

I have speakers remorse. 

When I write, my words tend to flow more smoothly and I'm secure in the fact that I can always go back and edit - just like I did about a zillion times for this paragraph! While I do love the gratification of instant feedback in the form of comments and "likes," I have to be careful not to rely on such things, because 1. the amount of feedback I get really shouldn't matter, I write for an audience of one.  =) and 2. I've read many blogs and don't always have time to comment or like every single one. I would if I could, but you all know how it is. It's like trying to read every book in the library! =)

3. We're all relatively new bloggers. How long have you been at this, and what have you learned since you started writing for the great-big interwebs?
I've been writing off and on for a few years. (More like write two or three posts and then take a year or two off....) It's kind of what happens when you start adding a few kids to the household... while going to grad school... while working full-time.  

But I'm starting a new season in my life right now and I'm super excited to be able to spend more time focusing on writing. Blogging is fun for me, so I'd love to keep this going as long as I can.  =)

4. How do you like your margarita? Mine: extra Cointreau, extra salt, rocks. DO NOT put it in, or anywhere near, a blender.
Hmm... I'd have to say one made at a restaurant or bar. I have no idea how to make it. But I do like a li hing mui flavored ones. Lol.

5. What books are you reading right now? Hint: if you're anything like me, the pile of unread books on your nightstand totally counts.
Goodness. I am a book-aholic. I just finished Looking for Lovely, by Annie F. Downs. I am currently reading Perry Noble's The Most Excellent Way to Lead. However, I'm feeling the need to get back to Kristen Strong's Girl Meets Change. I've got big changes coming and I feel the need to tap into that right now. 

6. I know this a little passe, but it's still fun: Name your spirit animal. 
Hmmm.... I'm not really sure. Never got into the Spirit Animal thing, and have no idea how to determine what mine is. According to one quiz found on the Google search, I'm part of the Canine Family. Of course that was just one quiz out of about 12 million results.

7. We're all moms. Consequently, we write frequently about motherhood. Name something that, before kids, you never, ever considered would be part of momming. 
You mean besides catching vomit in your hands, wiping boogers with your own hands, and carrying extra changes of clothes (for all three kids) everywhere? Well, I guess that would be having to remember to feed my kids a balanced meal at regularly scheduled times.  (I totally slack on weekends.)

8. What is your favorite regional food? 
We're all about food here in Hawaii. Hmm. I'm having a hard time picking just one. I would have to say, I'm always happy with a poke bowl and Waiola shave ice. (I'll be happy to explain that further to my mainland readers!)

9. What inspired you to get blogging, and what is your dream for your blog?
I enjoy writing, photography, and getting creative with it. Blogging gives me an opportunity to keep practicing my writing skills, time management, and committing to something I believe in. The Lord put it on my heart to continue my writing in this new season, so my dream for this blog is to fulfill His dream in me.  I also hope to meet new people and make beautiful connections throughout the world! I'm excited to see where God wants to take me and this blog. =)

10. What is your overly dramatic fate worse than death?
No snack food during that special time of the month.  (I only say that because we had a close call recently.)

Eleven Random Facts:
  1.  I binge watched Emeril, Rachel Ray, Friends, and Seinfeld while on maternity leave with all three of my children. (This was before I got Netflix.)
  2.  I have a blue belt in jiu jitsu. I haven't been able to go to class in a while, but I hope to go back this summer.
  3.  I'm what we call here in Hawaii, "Hapa," which means half, and usually refers to hapa-haole (half caucasian). My ethnicities include: Filipino, Chinese, Scottish, Norwegian, German, Native American, and English.
  4.  I played basketball in high school.
  5.  I worked at the Warner Bros. Studio Stores to put myself through college.
  6.  My house is home to an Apple tree. We don't do Windows.
  7.  I learned how to use a Windows system only two years ago. 
  8.  I have two dogs.  Not a fan of cats.
  9.  I want to learn how to play guitar.
  10.  I love to bake and cook. I just don't have the time.
  11.  I've only discovered the wonder of Starbucks a couple of years ago. I'm not a regular, but I need my fix once a week.  =)
Blogs I'm Nominating:

I'm currently nominating SIX blogs instead of the required eleven because many of the blogs I follow have more than 200 followers on either their blogs or on their FB or IG accounts. I would like to nominate bloggers who I have really felt an authentic connection to through their writing, or through their writing process.  (Oh, and if I happened to miss YOUR blog, I apologize! I'm having trouble keeping track of a lot of my new friends links. So if you want me to check yours out, send me a message or comment with your link below! I'll add it to my bookmarks. =))

I belong to a community of writers called Hope*Writers, and if you are an aspiring writer, author, blogger, social media addict (like me, lol), I encourage you to join. It has been such a tremendous experience so far and I can wait to use all the tools they have to offer as I launch myself into the world of full-time writing.

Here are fellow Hope*Writers that I wish to share this honor with:

Imperfectly Brave - Beautiful blogger, Whitney, has answered the Lord's call with her creation of this blog. I can't tell you how much the words move me and I'm so excited to read more of what this young mother and pastor's wife has to offer us!

My Story My God - I instantly connect to any woman that has had to deal with losing a loved one to cancer. But for Niki, who also had to deal with cancer herself, I have a tremendous admiration for. This blog is full of honesty and vulnerability. But also full of hope, love, and beautiful words. 

Chasing Holiness - I love Brenda's fun flair. Reading her blog is like reading scripture over coffee with a friend. She not only shares beautiful insights, but I love the way she incorporates photography and nature in her posts. It reminds me that scripture is not only found in the bible, but in the world itself, as God has placed His little reminders in each flower, leaf, mountain, and creature that sets foot among us. 

Looking Through Me - Real life through a thirty-something blogger. I am constantly captured by the poetry that graces each post. It's refreshing to look through the Lord's wonders through her perspective.

Just Enough Brave - Real life through a mommy's eyes. Need I say more? Katie brings humor, honesty, and Truth into each blog about her real life that all of us mothers can relate to. She also contributes to Coffee + Crumbs, which may put her outside the limit of 200 followers, but her blog makes me feel good, so I'm nominating her! =)

Writable Moments - Jordan was one of the people I met on the launch team of Looking For Lovely and I've been following her on her blog and Instagram. One of the things I admire about her is that even though she has a million things going on, she never stops loving Jesus and she keeps on writing. 

Eleven Questions for them to Answer:

1.  What's on your binge watch list? (I'm currently on Gilmore Girls.)

2.  What's on your plate for lunch today?

3.  What was the last book you read?

4.  How long have you been blogging?

5.  Include a link to your favorite blog post.

6.  What was your favorite cartoon show as a kid?

7.  If you could build yourself the ultimate dessert, what would it be?

8.  Where would your ultimate vacation be?  Who would you go with?

9.  If you could gain one super power, what would it be? What would you do with it?

10.  Why did you choose to blog?

11.  Are you considering writing a book?

And there you have it!

Thank you, wonderful readers, not only for your patience in reading this long blog post, but for supporting my love of writing and sharing. You got to know a lot more about me, thanks to this award, and I hope to learn more about many of you, too.  For my fellow bloggers out there, my prayers for all the best for you and the communities you will build. =)

A hui hou (until we meet again),



  1. You did it! Great post. And thank you for the reminder not to chase the gratification on social media. Those hearts and thumbs-up can be elusive, and downright fickle. We need to write our truth, and not worry about the rest. I am so excited to learn more about our fellow Hope*Writers!! It's so exciting to watch the Liebster spread through the group.

    1. Thanks so much, Heather! It's so great we can do this together! =)

  2. Just found you from Hope Writers. Enjoyed reading your random facts!
